Selasa, 21 Februari 2023

CV/ Resume


Assalamualaikum temen - temen...

Hari ini aku mau menulis tentang definisi CV/ resume menggunakan Bahasa Inggris. 
Simak terus yaaa...


1. Definition
Resume is a summary that comes from a long piece of writing, taking only the important parts. This resume is considered more effective in explaining the core or main information of a long essay.

2. Function/ purpose
Assist recruiters in identifying suitability of applicants with what employers are looking for. Provide an overview of the skills possessed. Describe qualifications relevant to what the company is looking for. Introduce yourself professionally as the initial stage of the recruitment process.

3. Expression/ sentences
- You will write more than one resume, targeting each one at a specific audience
- You will write descriptive bullet points that begin with action verbs
  Use verbs like these to start your bullet points :
  • Managed
  • Trained 
  • Saved
  • Developed 
  • Created
  • Sold
  • Arranged
  • Prepared 
  • Assisted
Don’t Use These Words to Start Your Bullet Points :
  • Pronouns (I, you, we, us)
  • Adverbs (Quickly, smartly, intelligently, efficiently)
  • Adjectives (Massive, huge, small, smart, quick, efficient, intelligent)
- You will quantify your resume to the best of your ability, adding numbers to describe your experience

4. Sample 

5. Writing CV/ resume

Nahh ini gess definisi nya kalo ada kesalahan atau kekurangan dalam menulis, mohon kirim masukan kalian di kolom komentar ya gess...

Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Application letter

 Assalamualaikum temen - temen...

Gimana kabarnya? Baik kan? Alhamdulillah....
Okee, hari ini aku akan menulis definisi  Application Letter menggunakan bahasa Inggris. Simak terus yaaa wkwk. 


1. Definition Application Letter
 Definition of Application Letter an application letter or job application letter is a document sent to company leaders or recruiters to apply for a job. This letter contains specific interests,
qualifications and experiences that are considered relevant to fill the available job vacancies.
This job application letter should highlight your accomplishments and skills to catch the
attention of recruiters or HR. When written well, this cover letter will explain to the reader why
they should invite you for an interview and judge you as a good fit for the job vacancy available.
A good job application letter can catch the attention of recruiters or HRD and set you apart from
other candidates. Show if your professional goals and aspirations align with the company's
goals to get your cover letter noticed.

2. Function/ purposes

The Job Application Letter is used to briefly introduce yourself and your background to recruiters. What's in this letter? The contents are an introduction of yourself and the abilities you have regarding the position or job you are applying for.

3. Layout/ text structur

4. Expression

- Opening
Dear Sir / Madam,
I wish to apply for the post of…which you advertised in…on… .
Currently I am working for… and my responsibilities include…
- Reasoning
I am particularly interested in this job, as…
My professional qualifications / skills appear to be well suited to your company's requirements
And thus I would have the opportunity to combine my interests with this placement.
- Skills
I have …years experience of working…
Presentation skills
- Closing 
I would welcome the opportunity to discuss further details of the position with you personally.

5. Job Advertisement

Nahh gitu gess definisi nya..
Kalo ada yang kurang atau salah minta tolong ya gess kirim masukan kalian di kolom komentar.

Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Job Interview

 Assalamualaikum temen - temen...

Hehehe ketemu lagi nih sama aku wkwkwk. 
Kali ini aku mau menulis tentang definisi Job Interview menggunakan Bahasa Inggris. Di simak terus yaa...


1. Definition Job Interview

A job interview is an interview consisting of a conversation between a job applicant and a representative of an employer which is conducted to assess whether the applicant should be hired.[1] Interviews are one of the most popularly used devices for employee selection.[1] Interviews vary in the extent to which the questions are structured, from a totally unstructured and free-wheeling conversation to a structured interview in which an applicant is asked a predetermined list of questions in a specified order structured interviews are usually more accurate predictors of which applicants will make suitable employees, according to research studies.

2. Expressions

* Key Sentences to Introduce Yourself at a Job Interview in English :

1) Good morning/afternoon. My name is __ and I want to thank you for this opportunity.

2) Hello! My name is ___ and it’s a pleasure for me to be here.

3) Good morning/afternoon. I’m ___ and I want to thank you for taking me into consideration for this position.

4) Hello! My name is ___ and I’m glad you called me because I really want to work for this company.

* Asking Someone to Repeat a Question :

1) I’m sorry. Would you please repeat the question?

2) Excuse me, I didn’t hear you. Can you please say that again?

3) Would you please say that again?

4) Could you please repeat the question and speak a little bit harder?

* Emphasizing Your Strengths :

1) I think I’m the right choice for this job because I know how to…

2) My (mention a set of skills relevant for the job) will allow me to do this easily.

3) I’m very good at ____ and that’s why I think I’ll be able to handle this position. (Fill the blank space with the one you consider is your best strength.)

4) I’d love to work here because I ___.

* Thanking the Interviewer at the End of the Interview in English :

1) Thank you very much for your time. I’ll be waiting for your call!

2) I want you to know that I’m very thankful for this.

3) Before I leave I want to thank you for the opportunity. I hope we see each other again soon!

4) I wanted to thank you before I leave. I hope I have the profile you’re looking for.

3. Interview Do's and Don'ts

Do :
- Prepare a complete, attractive resume that stresses your qualifications in a positive manner.
- Get permission from people you plan to use as references.
- Write an effective cover letter that really sells “you”
- Fill out the application completely, accurately, ang legibly.
- Use the completed resume as a reference for filling out the application.
- Arrive for the interview a few minutes early.
- Dress appropriately for the interview.
- Go to the interview alone.
- Bring resume, social security card, work permits, and licenses to the interview.

Don'ts :
- Do not present a resume that was hastily put together or has typographical errors and smudge.
- Do not use give inaccurate information.
- Do not present an application that is unreadable or incomplete.
- Do not arrive late for an interview.
- Do not wear jeans, wrinkled clothing, or outrageous jewelry to an interview.
- Do not overdo perfume or aftershave.
- Do not take friends or family to an interview.
- Do not act as if the receptionist and interviewer are doing you a favor by seeing you.
- Do not forget your manners.

4. Sample Job Interview videos 

Selasa, 07 Februari 2023

Pengalaman Prakerinku


Assalamualaikum temen temen.... 
Disini aku mau menceritakan pengalaman magangku di Balai Kota Semarang. 
Di simak terus yaaa....



      Me on January 3, 2022, I carried out OJT at Semarang City Hall, to add insight or experience. I interned with Erika & Laila assigned to the Lead Communication & Protocol office, 2nd floor. On the first day of my internship, the three of us got acquainted and had snacks together in the canteen. After snacking, we were introduced to our duties by the apprentice supervisor and went home at 15.00 WIB.

     On the second day, the three of us were told to cut a newspaper that contained issues about the city of Semarang, and after cutting the newspaper pasted on the paper that has been provided. The newspapers that are usually used are Suara Merdeka, Tribun Jateng, and Radar Semarang.

     Before leaving for the internship, the three of us usually bring our own lunch and eat it at 09.00 in the morning. Usually while eating while watching YouTube together, and returning to work on unfinished tasks. After all the tasks were completed, the three of us had a snack at Taman Pekunden because there were lots of snacks there. When we finished our snacks and returned to the office carrying the snacks, the people at the office were tempted and the three of us were entrusted with money to buy snacks for the people at the office.

     And every Friday, the three of us often eat soup near the Lawang Sewu parking lot, our goal is to eat there because the price is cheap and there is a 50% discount, especially on Fridays. After everything was in order, and it was already 15.00, we stopped by the mosque first to pray and headed home together to the BRT stop.

Nahh, ini dia pengalamanku, gimana gess ada yang kurang ngga? dalam penulisannya, soalnya aku disuruh guru Bahasa Inggris ku untuk membuat cerita pengalaman selama aku magang dalam menggunakan Bahasa Inggris. 

Kalo ada yang kurang, bisa kirim masukan kalian di kolom komentar yaaa....

Sekian dari aku. Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh